Today I Learned

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November 2020

November 1st

Today I learned the definition of the Krull topology. (continue reading...)

November 2nd

Today I learned about the regulator of a number field. (continue reading...)

November 3rd

Today I learned an interesting example of a field extension, namely $\QQ(\zeta_p)/\QQ(\zeta_p+\zeta_p^{-1}).$ (continue reading...)

November 4th

Today I learned the asymptotic formula for derangements. (continue reading...)

November 5th

Today I learned the law of quadratic reciprocity in function fields. (continue reading...)

November 6th

Today I learned a proof of the Basel problem from Fourier analysis. (continue reading...)

November 7th

Today I learned an explicit example where the naive approach of multiplying integral bases in a field composite does not necessarily yield an integral basis. (continue reading...)

November 8th

Today I learned that it's possible to do calculus over ratios of prime numbers, from here . (continue reading...)

November 9th

Today I learned that the outline for the proof that, in an extension of number fields $L/K,$ if for every unramified prime $\mf p$ we have that $f(\mf q/\mf p)$ is constant for all primes $\mf q$ over $\mf p,$ then $L/K$ is actually Galois. (continue reading...)

November 10th

Today I learned some perspectives on those $\arctan$ facts that pop every once in a while. (continue reading...)

November 11th

Today I learned the proof that splitting of $\mf p$ in a non-Galois extension $L/K$ is in bijection with cosets $H\sigma D_\mf P$ for some prime $\mf P$ over $\mf p$ in the Galois closure $M$ of $L/K,$ where $H$ is subgroup of $G=\op{Gal}(M/K)$ fixing $L,$ and $D_\mf P$ is the decomposition subgroup. (continue reading...)

November 12th

Today I learned the classification of nilpotent matrices with maximal index. (continue reading...)

November 13th

Today I learned that the inverse Galois problem holds for abelian groups, and it's actually fairly nice. (continue reading...)

November 14th

Today I learned a proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, using Galois theory as a translator. (continue reading...)

November 15th

Today I learned about parameterizing rationals on conics. (continue reading...)

November 16th

Today I learned about discrete valuation rings. (continue reading...)

November 17th

Today I learned the definition of the limit superior to prove the radius of convergence for a power series. (continue reading...)

November 18th

Today I learned the estimate for the number of ideals of bounded norm in imaginary quadratic fields. (continue reading...)

November 19th

Today I learned the group structure of the elements of norm $1$ in $\QQ(i),$ and some semblance of generalizations to number fields. (continue reading...)

November 20th

Today I learned that the group $\QQ/\ZZ$ has every finite cyclic group as a unique subgroup, and in fact no subgroup of it suffices. (continue reading...)

November 21st

Today I learned a nice perspective on completely multiplicative functions on $\ZZ^+\to\ZZ^+,$ from HMMT Guts. (continue reading...)

November 22nd

Today I learned the finish for the fact that the greedy algorithm for Egyptian fractions works. (continue reading...)

November 23rd

Today I learned the group structure for the rational points with prime-power denominator on the unit hyperbola $x^2-y^2=1.$ (continue reading...)

November 24th

Today I learned the group structure for rational points on the unit hyperbola. (continue reading...)

November 25th

Today I learned the reflection formula for the gamma function. (continue reading...)

November 26th

Today I learned the definition of a cokernel, from Vakil. (continue reading...)

November 27th

Today I learned the definition of homology groups from algebraic topology, from the Napkin. (continue reading...)

November 28th

Today I learned a proof that the only automorphism of $\RR$ is the identity. (continue reading...)

November 29th

Today I learned the Snake lemma as an example of diagram-chasing. (continue reading...)

November 30th

Today I learned that for any polynomial $P(x_1,\ldots,x_n)\in\ZZ_p[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ has a root in $(\ZZ_p)^n$ if and only if has roots in each $(\ZZ/p^\bullet\ZZ)^n.$ (continue reading...)