September 8th
Today I learned the definition of perfect fields, from Keith Conrad : $K$ is perfect if and only if all irreducible polynomials $K[x]$ are separable. (continue reading...)
Today I learned the definition of perfect fields, from Keith Conrad : $K$ is perfect if and only if all irreducible polynomials $K[x]$ are separable. (continue reading...)
Today I learned the definition of the different. (continue reading...)
Today I learned the definition of "uniformly continuous'' from one of Tom's riddles: show that any uniformly continuous function defined on a bounded domain is bounded. (continue reading...)
Today I learned some facts about the different ideal $\diff I,$ where $I$ is a fractional ideal of $\mathcal O_K.$ (continue reading...)
Today I learned that $\FF_q$ is also a perfect field for prime-powers $q,$ continuing from the Conrad expository paper. (continue reading...)
Today I learned that the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem can sometimes be used as a lemma (!) instead of just always a theorem, from one of Tom's riddles. (continue reading...)
Today I learned a more geometric interpretation of the $A^*$ in the definition of the different ideal. (continue reading...)
Today I learned the definition and some examples of the functor of points, which I think is my prototypical example of a contravariant functor. (continue reading...)
Today I learned the definition of localization of a ring. (continue reading...)
Today I learned a very natural proof of Lucas's Theorem: for $p$ prime and integers $m=\sum_km_kp^k$ and $n=\sum_kn_kp^k$ written in base $p,$ we have\[\binom mn\equiv\prod_{k=0}^\infty\binom{m_k}{n_k}\pmod p.\] (continue reading...)
Today I learned the categorical definition of the direct sum/coproduct. (continue reading...)
Today I learned an example a proof by universal properties, by proving that localization commutes with arbitrary direct sums. (continue reading...)
Today I learned about fibered products, which are basically products that make diagrams commute. (continue reading...)
Today I learned some applications of the idea that prime-splitting can tell us useful information about Galois groups. (continue reading...)
Today I learned about Yoneda's Lemma. (continue reading...)
Today I learned that the relative different is kind of multiplicative in towers, which unsurprisingly follows roughly from the behavior of trace in towers, with some fudging around. (continue reading...)
Today I learned the definition of a filtered poset for the categorical colimit. (continue reading...)
Today I learned a proof that the relative different perfectly encodes ramification information of an extension $L/K.$ (continue reading...)
Today I learned the sequence construction for the inverse limit in $\texttt{Set}$, or $\texttt{Grp}$ or $\texttt{Rings}$ or $\texttt{Vec}_k$ for that matter. (continue reading...)
Today I learned why the Solovay–Strassen (probable) primality test can give confidence of $\left(\frac12\right)^{\text{witnesses}}.$ (continue reading...)
Today I learned the definition of ramification groups. (continue reading...)
Today I learned a construction giving a construction for a witness to the Solovay–Strassen primality test, from Keith Conrad . (continue reading...)
Today I learned a somewhat easy precursor to the classification of finite abelian groups; it wasn't even as hard as it felt it would be in my head. (continue reading...)