Today I Learned

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March 2021

March 1st

Today I learned that local fields $F$ have character group $\widehat F$ isomorphic to themselves, from the MIT notes I've been reading. (continue reading...)

March 2nd

Today I learned a proof of the classification of finitely generated abelian groups from the Smith normal form, from here . (continue reading...)

March 3rd

Today I learned (formally) about locally constant functions. (continue reading...)

March 4th

Today I learned some examples of $p$-adic geometry being horrible, from this undergraduate paper . (continue reading...)

March 5th

Today I learned about multiplicative (quasi)characters of local fields, from the MIT notes as usual. (continue reading...)

March 6th

Today I learned a little motivation for the compact-open topology: the evaluation map is continuous, from the nlab page . (continue reading...)

March 7th

Today I learned that determining if a single-variable (!) algebraic expression is identically $0$ is uncomputable. (continue reading...)

March 8th

Today I learned some more solid motivation for the compact-open topology, again from the nlab page . (continue reading...)

March 9th

Today I learned a way generating functions explicitly intersects with additive combinatorics. (continue reading...)

March 10th

Today I learned that the law of the excluded middle fails in homotopy type theory, from the Homotopy Type Theory book of course. (continue reading...)

March 11th

Today I learned a little about local $\zeta$-functions. (continue reading...)

March 12th

Today I learned the details of the proof of the local $\zeta$ functional equation. (continue reading...)

March 13th

Today I learned the definition of a sheaf. (continue reading...)

March 14th

Today I learned about one-point compactification, from the nlab page for example. (continue reading...)

March 15th

Today I learned how to fix the law of the excluded middle in homotopy type theory, from the homotopy type theory book as usual. (continue reading...)

March 16th

Today I learned about proposition truncation. (continue reading...)

March 17th

Today I learned about using lattice-attacks to solve the small inverse problem, directly from the Boneh and Durfee paper . (continue reading...)

March 18th

Today I learned a cute combinatorial proof from the AIME II. (continue reading...)

March 19th

Today I learned a different framing of the (weak) approximation theorem for $\AA_K.$ (continue reading...)

March 20th

Today I learned the proof that a number field $K$ is discrete and cocompact in its adele ring $\mathbb A_K.$ (continue reading...)

March 21st

Today I learned about univalence validating synthetic type construction. (continue reading...)

March 22nd

Today I learned about the axiom of choice in homotopy type theory. (continue reading...)

March 23rd

Today I learned a cute application of a generalized Eisenstein's criterion. (continue reading...)

March 24th

Today I learned the Zeckendorf decomposition of positive integers into nonconsecutive Fibonacci numbers. (continue reading...)

March 25th

Today I learned that the expected number of cycles in the cycle decomposition of a random permutation on $n$ letters is $H_n.$ (continue reading...)

March 26th

Today I learned a small extension of Euclidean proofs of Dirichlet's theorem, from this paper . (continue reading...)

March 27th

Today I learned the proof of the adelic poisson summation formula\todo{} (continue reading...)

March 28th

Today I learned the proof of the global zeta functional equation. (continue reading...)

March 29th

Today I learned some stuff around the pigeonhole principle. (continue reading...)

March 30th

Today I learned the proof that meromorphic functions are conformal (i.e., angle-perserving) almost everywhere. (continue reading...)

March 31st

Today I learned that the Zeckendorf decomposition from a few days ago in fact gives the least number of Fibonacci numbers a positive integer can be decomposed into by (possibly repeated) Fibonacci numbers. (continue reading...)