Today I Learned

(back up to May)

May 13th

Today I learned a little combinatorial reciprocity, from Combinatorial Reciprocity Theorems . By coincidence (with respect to what we did a few days ago), our main character will be partially ordered sets ("posets''), and specifically we will be looking at order-preserving maps between posets.

Definition. Given posets $(X,\le_X)$ and $(Y,\le_Y),$ we say that a map $\varphi:X\to Y$ is weakly order-preserving if and only if \[x_1\le_Xx_2\implies\varphi(x_1)\le_Y\varphi(x_2).\] Similarly, $\varphi:X\to Y$ is strictly order-preserving if and only if \[x_1\lneq_Xx_2\implies\varphi(x_1)\lneq_Y\varphi(x_2).\]

Again, if we want to think about posets algebraically, these are basically describing structure-preserving maps (i.e., homomorphisms). As a brief aside, it might look like we are requiring strictly order-preserving maps to be injective, and this is a reasonable intuition, but it is not correct: an antichain can be compressed to one element, and this map is strictly order-preserving.

Where we're going, we also need the following definition.

Definition. We call a totally ordered set with $n$ elements an $n$-chain. Along these lines, we will define a "standard'' $n$-chain by $[n]:=\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ with the usual ordering.

We would like all of these to be "the same'' in some sense, and indeed they are.

Lemma. Suppose $(X,\le)$ and $(Y,\le)$ are both $n$-chains. Then there is a unique bijective order-preserving map $\varphi:X\to Y.$ We will call this map $\iota_{X,Y}.$

This is by induction on $n.$ If $n=0$ or even $n=1,$ there is nothing to prove here.

For the inductive step, we remark that the finiteness of $X$ and $Y$ guarantees that there is a maximum element. We could show this by induction as well: at $n=1,$ we're done; adding one element to $X$ will either be the maximum or less than the maximum before adding.

Let the maximums be $m_x\in X$ and $m_y\in Y.$ Quickly, we note that we must have $\varphi(m_x)=m_y$ because surely $\varphi(m_x)\le m_y$ and $\varphi^{-1}(m_y)\le m_x.$ Now, then we note $X':=X\setminus\{m_x\}$ and $Y':=Y\setminus\{m_y\}$ are smaller totally ordered sets of the same size. So by induction let their unique bijective order-preserving map be $\varphi':X'\to Y'.$ Then we define\[\varphi(x)=\begin{cases} \varphi'(x) & x\ne m_x, \\ m_y & y\ne m_y.\end{cases}\]Because $\varphi(m_x)=m_y$ is forced, this is fact the only possible bijective order-preserving map; we now show it works. This is surjective because\[\varphi(X)=\varphi'(X')\cup\varphi(\{m_x\})=Y'\cup\{m_y\}=Y\]by surjectivity of $\varphi'.$ So now $\varphi$ is bijective because it is a surjective mapping of sets of the same size. Further, $\varphi$ preserves order because $x_1\le x_2$ either has $x_2=m_x,$ in which case\[\varphi(x_1)\le\varphi(x_2)=m_y\]is true because $m_y$ is a maximal element, or $x_1$ and $x_2$ are strictly smaller than $m_x$ so that $x_1,x_2\in X',$ meaning\[\varphi(x_1)=\varphi'(x_1)\le\varphi'(x_2)=\varphi(x_2)\]follows from $\varphi'$ preserving order. This completes the proof. $\blacksquare$

I think the idea in combinatorial reciprocity is to build a polynomial to compute some combinatorics problem and then plug in values outside of the intended values (say, negatives), and magically, we will still get out a number of significance. Here's our polynomial of interest.

Proposition. Fix a finite poset $(X,\le).$ The number of strictly order-preserving maps $\varphi:X\to[n]$ is polynomial in $n$ of degree $\#X.$ The same holds for weakly order-preserving maps.

This is not as interesting as it appears. The main idea is to do casework on the number of elements in the image of an order-preserving map. For now, fix $\varphi$ an order-preserving map, of either kind. The main point is that $\varphi(X)$ is a totally ordered set; indeed, it inherits this structure from being a subset of the totally ordered $[n].$

Now we can count the total number of maps $\varphi$ by dividing up by the size of $\varphi(X)$; fix $m=\#\varphi(X).$ The claim is that we can biject maps $\varphi$ with pairs of order-preserving surjections (of the correct kind) $\varphi_1:X\to[m]$ and strictly order-preserving injections $\varphi_2:[m]\to[n].$ Indeed, given $\varphi:X\to[n],$ we can take it to\[(\varphi_1,\varphi_2)=(\iota_{\varphi(X),[m]}\circ\varphi,\iota_{[m],\varphi(X)}).\]Here, $\varphi_1$ is surjective because $\varphi$ surjects onto $[m]$; $\varphi_2$ is injective because it is the expansion of the bijective $\iota.$ And of $\varphi_1$ is order-preserving because $\varphi$ and $\iota$ are, and $\varphi_2$ is stritly order-preserving because $\iota$ is. So the correspondence is well-defined.

Further, our correspondence is injective by the bijectivity of the map $\iota_{\varphi(X),[m]}.$ For surjectivity, we can pick up some surjective order-preserving $\varphi_1:X\to[m]$ and injective strictly order-preserving $\varphi_2:[m]\to[n]$ and then define\[\varphi:=\varphi_2\circ\varphi_1.\]This is well-defined because the surjectivity of $\varphi_1$ means $\#\varphi_1(X)=m,$ and the injectivity of $\varphi_2$ means $\#(\varphi_2\circ\varphi_1)(X)=m.$ We need to show that\[\begin{cases} \varphi_1=\iota_{\varphi(X),[m]}\circ\varphi_2\circ\varphi_1, & (1)\\ \varphi_2=\iota_{[m],\varphi(X)}. & (2)\end{cases}\]Now, $(2)$ is true because of how $\varphi$ is defined: the image of $\varphi$ is the image of $\varphi_2,$ and the injectivity of $\varphi_2$ means there is a unique bijective order-preserving map from $[m]$ to $\varphi(X)=\varphi_2(X).$ Then $(1)$ follows because\[\iota_{\varphi_X,[m]}\circ\iota_{[m],\varphi(X)}:\varphi(X)\to\varphi(X)\]is a bijective order-preserving map. But so is $\op{id}_{\varphi(X)},$ so this must in fact be $\op{id}_{\varphi(X)},$ finishing $(1).$

To finish our counting, we now loop over $m$ counting pairs $(\varphi_1,\varphi_2)$ as described. Note that $\varphi_1$ has nothing to do with $n,$ so the number of $\varphi_1$ is going to be fixed with respect to $n$; call it $N_m.$ As for $\varphi_2,$ we note that there are\[\binom nm\]ways to choose the $m$ elements of the image $\varphi_2(X)\subseteq[n],$ and once the image is chosen, there is exactly one way to go from $\varphi(X)\to[n].$ So the number of pairs is $N_m\binom nm$ for fixed $m,$ meaning there are in total\[\sum_{m\ge1}N_m\binom nm\]order-preserving maps from $X\to[m].$ To turn this into a polynomial, we note that our parameter $m=\#\varphi(X)\le\#X,$ so this is in fact a finite sum\[\sum_{m=1}^{\#X}N_m\binom nm.\]This finishes the proof. $\blacksquare$

For brevity, we let $S_X(n)$ be the polynomial for strictly-ordered maps and $W_X(n)$ be the polynomial for weakly-ordered maps. To give some motivation for where we're going, we note that the case of $X=[N]$ for some fixed $N$ has\[S_{[N]}(n)=\binom nN\]because we only need to choose the image of $X$ in $[n]$ and then biject. (Alternatively, we can use the polynomial we built in the proof, noting that $N_m=0$ unless $m=n,$ in which case $N_m=1.$) But on the other hand,\[W_{[N]}(n)=\binom{n+N-1}N\]by stars and bars. Indeed, once told the $n$-tuple $(a_1,\ldots,a_n)$ saying that $a_k$ of $[N]$'s elements go to $k\in[n],$ we can construct the rest of the map using the ordering of $X.$ (We won't be rigorous here.) So we are computing the number of tuples with $a_1+\cdots+a_n=N,$ which is the above by stars and bars. The remarkable fact is that\[(-1)^N\binom{-n}N=(-1)^N\cdot\frac1{N!}\prod_{k=0}^{N-1}(-n-k)=\frac1{N!}\prod_{k=0}^{N-1}(n+k)=\binom{n+N-1}N.\]This seems like a numerical trick—this is what it looked like to me for a while—but it is in fact a facet of something more profound. It's telling us $S_{[N]}(-n)=(-1)^NW_{[N]}(n),$ which is in fact generally true.

Theorem. For any finite poset $X,$ we have that $S_X(-n)=(-1)^{\#X}W_X(n).$

I don't know the proof of this, but isn't it amazing! $\blacksquare$

I have no clue why one should expect such a thing to be true. What's amazing is that the polynomials $S_X$ and $W_X$ feel quite different because the patterns of their coefficients $N_m$ really feel like they have nothing to do with each other. But somehow plugging in negative values—values that the polynomials were notably not built for—can recover the values of the other one. Astounding.