June 7th
Today I learned a truly clever proof to the Spectal theorem, from THE BOOK of course. As a brief outline, we will translate diagonalization by orthogonal matrices into the minimization of some function and then minimize that function by a compactness argument. Here are the definitions of our main characters.
Definition. A matrix $M\in F^{n\times n}$ is said to be symmetric if and only if its coefficients satisfy $M_{k,\ell}=M_{\ell,k}$ for each valid $k,\ell.$
Our main claim is that we can diagonalize real symmetric matrices by orthogonal ones, so we need to pick up the definition of orthogonal.
Definition. A matrix $Q\in F^{n\times n}$ is said to be orthogonal if and only if $Q^\intercal=Q^{-1}.$ We will denote the set of orthogonal matrices in $\RR^{n\times n}$ by $O(n).$
We remark that $Q\in O(n)$ is equivalent to $Q^\intercal Q=I.$ If we write out the matrix multiplication using column vectors, we see\[Q^\intercal Q=\begin{bmatrix} - & v_1 & - \\ & \vdots & \\ - & v_n & -\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} | & & | \\ v_1 & \cdots & v_n \\ | & & |\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} \langle v_1,v_1\rangle & \cdots & \langle v_n,v_1\rangle \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \langle v_1,v_n\rangle & \cdots & \langle v_n,v_n\rangle\end{bmatrix},\]where $\langle,\rangle$ is the usual inner product. This expansion gives the following statement.
Proposition. A matrix $Q\in\RR^{n\times n}$ is orthogonal if and only if its column vectors form an orthonormal basis.
Indeed, from the above expansion of $Q^\intercal Q,$ we see that $Q^\intercal Q=I$ if and only if $\langle v_k,v_\ell\rangle=1_{k=\ell},$ which is exactly what is required for the column vectors to be orthonormal.
That they form a basis follows from the fact that mutually orthogonal nonzero vectors are all linearly independent: dot any relation of mutually orthogonal nonzero vectors $\{v_1\}_{k=1}^m$\[a_1v_1+\cdots+a_mv_m=0\]by $v_k$ to get all terms to vanish except $a_k\langle v_k,v_k\rangle=0,$ yielding $a_k=0,$ for any $k.$ Further, the columns of $Q$ have a full $n$ linearly independent vectors, so they must be a basis. $\blacksquare$
Indeed, given a real symmetric matrix $A\in\RR^{n\times n},$ we define\[\op{od}(A):=\sum_{1\le k\ne\ell\le n}A_{k,\ell}^2\]to be the sum of the squares of the off-diagonal entries. Roughly speaking, $\op{od}$ is trying to measure how far $A$ is from diagonal: $\op{od}(A)=0$ if and only if $A$ is diagonal. To measure diagonalization, we define the function\[\op{attempt}_Q(A):=\op{od}\left(QAQ^\intercal\right)\]for all matrices $Q\in\RR^{n\times n}.$ For orthogonal matrices $Q,$ we know $Q^\intercal=Q^{-1},$ so the above really is an attempt at diagonalization: if $\op{attempt}_Q(QAQ^{-1})=0$ then $QAQ^{-1}$ is diagonalized. We use $Q^\intercal$ instead of $Q^{-1}$ directly because we will want $\op{attempt}_\bullet(A)$ to be defined over all $\RR^{n\times n}$ for our compactness argument.
For a compactness argument to achieve a minimum, we need a "do-better'' lemma. This is the meat of the argument.
Lemma. Fix a real symmetric matrix $A\in\RR^{n\times n}$ with $\op{od}(A) \gt 0.$ We can construct an orthogonal matrix $Q\in O(n)$ with $\op{attempt}_Q(A) \lt \op{od}(A).$
The fact that $\op{od}(A) \gt 0$ means that we can find a nonzero entry $A_{K,L}$ with $K \lt L.$ (We can find $A_{K,L}\ne0$ with $K\ne L$; if $K \gt L,$ then note $A_{L,K}=A_{K,L}.$) The main idea is to apply a "rotation matrix'' to make $A_{K,L}$ smaller while incrementing the elements on the diagonal. That is, we take some angle $\theta$ to be chosen later and let\[Q:=\left[\begin{array}{*{20}c} 1 \\ & \ddots \\ & & 1 \\ & & & \cos\theta & & & & -\sin\theta \\ & & & & 1 \\ & & & & & \ddots \\ & & & & & & 1 \\ & & & \sin\theta & & & & \cos\theta \\ & & & & & & & & 1 \\ & & & & & & & & & \ddots & \\ & & & & & & & & & & 1 \\\end{array}\right],\]where the entries of interest are $Q_{K,K}=\cos\theta,$ $Q_{K,L}=-\sin\theta,$ $Q_{L,K}=\sin\theta,$ and $Q_{L,L}=\cos\theta.$ Otherwise, $Q_{k,\ell}=1_{k=\ell}$ when $\{k,\ell\}\not\subseteq\{K,L\}.$ Very quickly, we show that $Q$ is orthogonal. Indeed,\[\left(Q^\intercal Q\right)_{k,m}=\sum_{\ell=1}^n\left(Q^\intercal\right)_{k,\ell}Q_{\ell,m}=\sum_{\ell=1}^nQ_{\ell,k}Q_{\ell,m}.\]We have the following cases.
If $k\not\in\{K,L\},$ then $Q_{\ell,k}=1_{k=\ell}$ always. So the only term of the sum we have to worry about is $Q_{k,k}Q_{k,m}=1\cdot 1_{k,m}=1_{k=m},$ as required.
If $m\not\in\{K,L\},$ then again $Q_{\ell,m}=1_{\ell=m}$ always. So the only term of the sum we have to worry about is $Q_{m,k}Q_{m,m}=1_{m=k}\cdot1=1_{k=m},$ as required.
If both $k,m\in\{K,L\},$ then we still know $Q_{k,\ell}=0$ when $\ell\not\in\{K,L\}.$ So the only terms of the sum we care about are \[Q_{K,k}Q_{K,m}+Q_{L,k}Q_{L,m}.\] When $k=m=K,$ this reads $\cos^2\theta+\sin^2\theta=1.$ When $k=m=L,$ this reads $(-\sin\theta)^2+\cos^2\theta=1.$ And when $k\ne m,$ this reads $\cos\theta\sin\theta-\sin\theta\cos\theta=0.$ In all cases, we still have $1_{k=m}.$
It follows that $Q^\intercal Q=I,$ so $Q$ is indeed orthogonal.
It remains to compare $\op{attempt}_Q(A)=\op{od}(QAQ^\intercal)$ with $\op{od}(A).$ Well, note that\[\left(QAQ^\intercal\right)_{j,m}=\sum_{k,\ell}Q_{j,k}A_{k,\ell}\left(Q^\intercal\right)_{\ell,m}=\sum_{k,\ell}Q_{j,k}A_{k,\ell}Q_{m,\ell}.\]Also, observe that $Q^\intercal AQ$ is symmetric: $\left(Q^\intercal AQ\right)^\intercal=Q^\intercal A^\intercal Q^{\intercal\intercal}=Q^\intercal AQ,$ so we only have to compute half of these entries. We proceed, as expected, with more casework.
If both $j,m\not\in\{K,L\},$ then $Q_{j,k}=1_{j=k}$ and $Q_{m,\ell}=1_{m=\ell}$ for any $k$ or $\ell,$ so the only term of the sum we care about is $Q_{j,j}A_{j,m}Q_{m,m}=A_{j,m}.$ So the contribution to $\op{od}$ is the same.
If $j=K$ but $m\not\in\{K,L\},$ then we care about $k\in\{K,L\}$ but require $\ell=m.$ So the sum looks like \[Q_{K,K}A_{K,m}+Q_{K,L}A_{L,m}=A_{K,m}\cos\theta-A_{L,m}\sin\theta.\]
If $j=L$ but $m\not\in\{K,L\},$ then we care about $k\in\{K,L\}$ but require $\ell=m.$ So the sum looks like \[Q_{L,K}A_{K,m}+Q_{L,L}A_{L,m}=A_{K,m}\sin\theta+A_{L,m}\cos\theta.\]
We take a brief interlude to notice that the above two cases accumulate to\[(A_{K,m}\cos\theta-A_{L,m}\sin\theta)^2+(A_{K,m}\sin\theta+A_{L,m}\cos\theta)^2,\]which expands into $A_{K,m}^2\left(\cos^2\theta+\sin^2\theta\right)+A_{L,m}^2\left(\cos^2\theta+\sin^2\theta\right),$ which is just $A_{K,m}^2+A_{L,m}^2.$ So the terms with $j\in\{K,L\}$ but $m\not\in\{K,L\}$ still contribute the same amount to $\op{od}.$ We observe that by symmetry, we can swap $j$ and $m$ to say the same for $m\in\{K,L\}$ but $j\not\in\{K,L\}.$
It follows that any change to $\op{od}$ will come from when both $j,m\in\{K,L\}.$ Of course, $\op{od}$ doesn't care about when $j=m,$ so we only have to deal with $j=K$ and $m=L$ or $j=L$ and $m=K.$ But by symmetry, these entries are the same, so we only have one computation left.
In this case, we still only care about $k,\ell\in\{K,L\},$ which is\[Q_{K,K}A_{K,K}Q_{L,K}+Q_{K,K}A_{K,L}Q_{L,L}+Q_{K,L}A_{L,K}Q_{L,K}+Q_{K,L}A_{L,L}Q_{L,L}.\]Using what we know about these quantities, this turns into\[A_{K,K}\cos\theta\sin\theta-A_{L,L}\cos\theta\sin\theta+A_{K,L}\left(\cos^2\theta-\sin^2\theta\right),\]which is\[\frac12(A_{K,K}-A_{L,L})\sin2\theta+A_{K,L}\cos2\theta.\]We need this term to have a smaller contribution than $A_{K,L}^2,$ so we will choose $\theta$ to achieve this. Well, at $\theta=0,$ this term is $A_{K,L}\ne0,$ and when $\theta=\frac\pi2,$ this term is $-A_{K,L} \lt 0,$ so there is some $\theta$ in between which causes this term to vanish completely.
For this chosen $\theta,$ we see that $\op{od}\left(QAQ^\intercal\right)$ is equal to $\op{od}(A)$ with the exception of the $A_{K,L}$ and $A_{L,K}$ terms, where $\op{od}(A)+A_{K,L}^2+A_{L,K}^2=\op{od}\left(QAQ^\intercal\right).$ This finishes the proof of the lemma. $\blacksquare$
With our "do-better'' lemma in hand, we proceed with the compactness argument. We need something to be compact, and because we hope to only care about the orthogonal matrices $O(n),$ this will be our compact set.
Lemma. The set of orthogonal matrices $O(n)$ is compact in $\RR^{n\times n}.$
We have to be a bit precise about what we mean by this. For clarity, we imagine vector-izing the matrices in $O(n)$ by reading down each row and turning the matrix from $\RR^{n\times n}$ to $\RR^{n^2},$ and we know what our topology in $\RR^{n^2}$ looks like. Equivalently, we could define the metric\[d(A,B)=\sum_{1\le k,\ell\le n}(A_{k,\ell}-B_{k,\ell})^2\]for matrices $A,B\in\RR^{n\times n}$ to induce the topology on $\RR^{n\times n}.$ This is the same as the topology from vector-izing because the vectorizing process essentially takes $A$ to $v$ with $v_{n(k-1)+\ell}=A_{k,\ell},$ so the metric topologies match.
Anyways, to show that $O(n)$ is compact it suffices to show that it is closed and bounded. For bounded, given $Q\in O(n),$ we remarked above that the column vectors of $Q$ form an orthonormal basis, so in particular they all have length $1.$ Thus,\[d(Q,0)=\sum_{\ell=1}^n\underbrace{\sum_{k=1}^nQ_{k,\ell}^2}_{\text{column vec.}}=\sum_{\ell=1}^n1=n\]is bounded. And as for closed, we note that we can write the condition $Q^\intercal Q=I$ for $Q\in O(n)$ as\[\left(Q^\intercal Q\right)_{k,m}=\sum_{\ell=1}\left(Q^\intercal\right)_{k,\ell}Q_{\ell,m}=\sum_{\ell=1}Q_{\ell,k}Q_{\ell,m}=1_{k=m}\]for any pair of indices $k,m.$ Looking in $\RR^{n^2}$ (say), this is just an intersection of $n^2$ equations, which we can show to be closed. A single one of these equations traces out a closed subset of $\RR^{n^2}$ because the function, for fixed $k$ and $m,$\[Q\mapsto\sum_{\ell=1}Q_{\ell,k}Q_{\ell,m}\]from $\RR^{n^2}\to\RR$ is just some large polynomial and hence continuous. Indeed, the preimage of the open set $\RR\setminus\{1_{k=m}\}$ is open, so the preimage of the complement closed set $\{1_{k=m}\}$ must also be closed.
Thus, each equation traces out some closed set, and the intersection of all of $n^2$ them will remain closed. Thus, $O(n)$ is closed and bounded and hence compact. $\blacksquare$
We are almost ready to finish. We quickly pick up a point-set lemma.
Lemma. Fix topological spaces $X$ and $Y$ with a continuous map $f:X\to Y.$ The image $f(C)$ of a compact set $C$ is still compact.
We show this directly. Fix $\{U_\alpha\}_{\alpha\in\lambda}$ an open cover of $f(C).$ Because $f$ is continuous, we note that each $f^{-1}(U_\alpha)$ is still open, so\[C\subseteq f^{-1}(f(C))\subseteq f^{-1}\left(\bigcup_{\alpha\in\lambda}U_\alpha\right)=\bigcup_{\alpha\in\lambda}f^{-1}(U_\alpha).\]Thus, the $f^{-1}(U_\alpha)$ give an open cover of $C.$ Because $C$ is compact, we may extract some finite subcover $\left\{f^{-1}(U_k)\right\}_{k=1}^n\subseteq\left\{f^{-1}(U_\alpha)\right\}_{\alpha\in\lambda}$ around $C.$ Pushing this though $f,$ we see that $\left\{f\left(f^{-1}(U_\alpha)\right)\right\}_{k=1}^n=\left\{U_\alpha\right\}_{k=1}^n$ is a finite subcover of $f(C),$ so we are done here. $\blacksquare$
To finish, we fix $A$ some real symmetric matrix. Observe that the composite function $\op{attempt}_\bullet(A)$ can be thought of as\[Q\longmapsto QAQ^\intercal\stackrel{\op{od}}\longmapsto\sum_{j\ne m}\left(QAQ^\intercal\right)_{j,m}^2=\sum_{j\ne m}\left(\sum_{k,\ell}Q_{j,k}A_{k,\ell}Q_{m,\ell}\right)^2_{j,m}.\]This is just some large polynomial in the entries of $Q\in\RR^{n\times n}$ or $\RR^{n^2}$ into $\RR_{\ge0}$ and is therefore a continuous function. In particular, the image of the compact set $O(n)$ remains compact in $\RR_{\ge0},$ so the image is closed and both has and achieves a minimum. (Note $0$ is a lower bound, and then the greatest lower bound is a limit point: an open neightborhood around a lower bound not intersecting the closed set gives a greater lower bound.)
We need to show that the image of $\op{attempt}_\bullet(A)$ contains $0$ to diagonalize, which is where the "do-better'' lemma comes in. Indeed, the minimum of the image of $O(n)$ must be a $0$: call the minimum $m,$ and certainly $m\in\RR_{\ge0}$ is at least $0.$
On the other hand, for any bound $m_0 \gt 0,$ we can find the $Q\in O(n)$ giving $\op{od}(QAQ^\intercal)=m_0 \gt 0.$ But $A':=QAQ^\intercal$ is itself symmetric (shown earlier), so the "do-better'' lemma provides a $Q'\in O(n)$ with\[\op{od}\left((Q'Q)A(Q'Q)^\intercal\right)=\op{od}\left(Q'(QAQ^\intercal)(Q')^\intercal\right) \lt \op{od}(QAQ^\intercal)=m,\]so we can do better than any bound $m_0 \gt 0.$ It follows that the minimum $m$ is no greater than $0,$ so we must have $m=0.$
Thus, we can find a $Q\in O(n)$ for which $\op{od}(QAQ^\intercal)=0,$ meaning that $QAQ^\intercal$ is diagonal. This gives the following.
Theorem. For any real symmetric matrix $A\in\RR^{n\times n},$ we can find an orthogonal matrix $Q\in O(n)$ such that $QAQ^\intercal$ is diagonal.
This follows from the above discussion. $\blacksquare$
We end with a few remarks. The above proof is truly remarkable: the only heavy comptuation we had to do was in the "do-better'' lemma, and then a quick compactness argument was enough to finish. The clever observation is that the "do-better'' lemma is even enough to get the result we need, as well as a fairly modern perspective of viewing matrix groups like $O(n)$ topologically.
Indeed, I'm not even convinced that repeated applications of the "do-better'' lemma will actually approach a diagonal matrix: it's entirely possible that repeated applications will simply approach some small but nonzero number. However, that's fine because compactness has our back.
As an aside, I'll remark that there really isn't an easy way to use the more natural $\op{attempt}_Q(A):=\op{od}\left(QAQ^{-1}\right),$ defined over $Q\in\op{GL}_n(\RR).$ Indeed, $\op{GL}_n(\RR)\subseteq\RR^{n\times n}$ is an open subset because it is defined by the equation\[M\in\op{GL}_n(\RR)\iff\det M\ne0,\]and $\det M$ is just some large polynomial and hence continuous. So the compactness of $O(n)\subseteq\RR^{n\times n}$ doesn't easily carry into $\op{GL}_n(\RR).$ This is one roadblock to generalizing this proof past symmetric matrices.